Saturday 6 May 2017

Wolf Shaman test- Native American

After drawing up the page of rough designs for the shaman head designs, I figured that I may aswel go right ahead and drone one up A4 size as a test to see if the outcome is effective. Again I am doing my usual process when it comes to my screenprints, and that is hand drawing a pencil design and then adjusting it on photoshop so it is able to be used a positive.
I have chosen a native american shaman because I wanted to include the animal pieces with the human and the native american shamans have a good range of spirit animals to choose from.

This layer has been made for some tribal face paint to add colour to my print. I will be using red for this design as I think red white and black could work as a nice combination, especially if the paper is slightly off white.

I had a sudden decision before printing to make a new layer that is the whole shape in white. This is so I can print onto a range of paper tones and there will be weight highlights in the image but on a darker or coloured background. 

I actually ran into a few problems while I was printing this image, my screen dried up so the image wasn't printing effectively each time, I was struggling registration and lining the three layers up. I think a big reason for this is because I also has an eagle shaman being printed onto the same screen. And this was making it so much more difficult for me to work and there want enough free space to be able to print effectively. However, after doing this, I now know that I can really push this further to increase its overall quality. Next time I do this I won't be printing two on the same screen so it will make the registration much neater and also I will take more time in the drawing and maybe go to A3 to fit as such detail in as possible.

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