Sunday 7 May 2017

The jaguar shaman - Printing

With this print, I have made sure that the registration is very accurate as this will be used as one of my final images. I actually like these before I've put the black layer onto the paper. I think the shapes that are created have a nice finish especially with the subtle hints of a face in the eyes. But this is still nothing without the final layer. I just like how the layers have to first be correctly organised before the final layer is placed to separate the colour and bring out all of the major and fine details.


I am very pleased with the outcome of this print. The headdress and the new colour sections really make it a well refined image. Printing onto a range of coloured papers is really allowing my printing to take a new direction to get a wider range of outcomes of the same design. My favourite of these prints is the bottom two prints with the grey and green colours. I think that these tones with the black and white seem to work the most effectively. When I am applying this to my products I will keep in mind what colour schemes will work best on what type of product.
Some of these could be framed and sold as a screen print for one of my products, Or I will be transferring these prints onto skateboards, t-shits, hoodies, tote bags, phone cases and possibly hanging lanterns.

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