Monday 8 May 2017

Aztec shaman colour blending

I have also had a go at making some varied full colour prints. I think it has created some interesting outcomes. I like in the print above how the large blue mark in the teachers almost looks like a brush stroke, so these different textures are making more vibrant and unique outcomes.  I am still not sure if I like the separate colour sections over the full colour, I will continue to explore both of these to get a wider variety to choose from.

Ive really been having fun with this process of trying to get some new colour combinations and textures throughout my prints. I have varied prints that consist of both vibrant and light colours, aswel as darker tones. I am trying in this way to make my images as applicable to products as I possibly can.
Even colour blending onto a range of different papers could be interesting, the colours may look stronger and with a higher contrast against a darker background. 

In this print I have attempted on slightly adding an extra layer to the final print. I have done this by adding white hi lights in a few sections on the print to try and make it pop out of the background. I think I have been pretty successful with this and it does ad a new level to it, but I also think it could be easily overdone so I will be very subtle if I choose to do this on more.

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