Sunday 7 May 2017

The jaguar shaman - Drawing and creating positive

After seeing this image, along with other inspiration from the Maya civilisation such as the film apocalypto, I now would like to start to design a shaman head based around this culture. I will be using a Jaguar for the headers and I will be including much more feathers to make it a more detailed image.

Showing some progress pictures of the drawn shaman really helps me to understand the way in which I approach these drawings and wether I will be able to improve certain areas. Im always trying to find flaws in my work so then I can aim at correcting it to make a more refined illustration.
This is the final drawn version of my Mayan jaguar shaman head. I think this is buy far the best so far, this is because I have included a larger headers with the mayan patterns and the feather dress. It just make it look like a more well informed image. I have also drawn this full size of A3 so I have been able to get all of the detail into the drawing. The more fine the detail with these shamans, the better the outcome will be, so I need to make sure they are all very well rendered before I take them t the next stage of printing.

I have tried a new approach to the face paint layer aswel. I have decided to have stripes running down the shamans face to try and get a more authentic ancient aesthetic. I have also made the top headdress of the shaman on the same layer as the face paint. I have done this to separate the jaguar from the feathers. This all make the image much clearer to see and therefore more refined.

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