Monday 8 May 2017

Wolf shaman full colour blends

I have started to push the boundaries even further of the different textures that I can sceenprint onto. The image above has been created by spray painting a texture onto greybeards and then printing the shaman with a full colour blend onto this coloured texture. I think this works quite nice as an image and is quite unique. It could look much nicer with some white highlights I could make a new layer of white to go on some of the prints with full colour. I think this background texture made with spray paint gives the print a very spacey aesthetic that could be used to my advantage for this module.

This is easily one of my favourite prints because of the unique texture that has been created in the colour blend. This is due to the previous print being on corrugated card so it has left and imprint that has been transferred to this one. The lines running down along with the marbled effect was essentially an accident but has actually created one of the most unique screen prints I have ever made. Now I know this is possible I will continue to purposely create these new textures. Another reason as to why this is one of my favourites is because it is printed with UV paints so when at night and under ultra violet lights, It becomes an entirely new image that is much more vibrant and colourful. This give the product a much more diverse aesthetic making it more sellable.

Printing onto these corrugated card pieces is really helping me to find new ways in which I can make a more unique and original screen print.

I am very happy with some of these colour combinations and especially because they glow und uv lights. I am nearly ready to convert my printed images onto the products in which they will be applied to.

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