Sunday 7 May 2017

Attempting a different route - Spirit world

After printing my shaman heads with the spirit animals, I have had a new idea that I would like to quickly act on before I take the shaman heads any further. I really like the aesthetics of the shaman head prints and i believe it has much more to be explored with colour and detail, but I also want to make an image that is more contextual informed to shamanism rather than just being a drawing/print of a shaman. So with this in mind I am aiming to create an image that is directly related to the mystical/spiritual aspects of the shamanic cultures. I could also bring the use of entheogen's into this.

Ive had to come back to the roughs to try and figure out some way in which I can bring the spiritual rituals into this project. I am thinking of making a scene of some sort. possibly with the process of drinking ayahuasca or some sort of mediation process. I want to explore colour in a new way for this new approach.

My idea is to have painting/illustration of a shaman meditating in the spirit world, filled with nature and animals that has an element of psychedelia to the image. I am doing this so I can further explore the concept of my subject and transfer that into a relatable image which can then be applied to a product.

From my roughs, I have created this composition for my design of the shaman meditating in the spirit world. The roughs really helped to to figure out where to put the objects within the scene. I never usually draw in this way so it was slightly challenging but I think overall the composition seems quite  well balanced.

Im just using my paint pens to create this piece but I want to explore with mixing my own colours soon to get a more well refined outcome. I also like some of this without the black lines, I may pursue that even further aswel.

This is the final spirit world painting. It is suppose to symbolise a shaming and spiritual experience. I like the graphic vibrancy of this and also how it has strong relations to my chosen subject. After doing this though I have made the decision to go back to my shaman heads because I feel that although this has stronger contextual elements, the shaman heads are much more applicable to a wider range of products and this is a product based module so I will be continuing to explore and experiment further with my original idea for my set of images. 

I am really curious as to what I can do with this style of image making of the spirit wold and I think this is much better suited to fit my Context of practice studies so I will continue to pursue this aesthetic with that separate module.

Photoshop edits to get a varied colour pallet for a range of outcomes.

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