Friday 5 May 2017

Amazonian Shamanism

Ayahuasca is an amazonian plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous  and more recently mestizo shamans across the upper amazon throughout Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and brazil. there are over 40 other names known for this sacred medicine, including caapi, namtema, mihi and yage.  
Ayahuasca is a big part of the tribal amoazoian traditions and I will be focusing on this throughout my visual experimentations.

The amazonian shamans wear very vibrant and colourful headresses and I want to somehow bring this into my designs.

People attending ayahuasca ceremonies at a Peruvian retreat. These people travel from all regions of the world for spiritual and psychological healing.

My plan is to explore some new screenrpinging methods in the subject of shamanism to get a new aesthetic. I want to somehow relate it to the use of entheogen's so I will be trying t get a range of new colours.

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