Friday 5 May 2017

North American Shamanism

A native American shaman is a spiritual leader of groups/communities or tribes in north america who adhere the belief in shamanism. The belief and practices of shamanism incorporates a range of beliefs, customs and ceremonial practices and rituals regarding communication with the spirit world in which the spirit leader (Shaman) enters supernatural realms/dimensions during a trance state of consciousness.
Traits of a american shaman
-Communicator - The shaman provided help and advice to the members of the tribe.
-Educator - Keeper/teacher of myth, tradition and wisdom
-Healer - Spiritual healing powers to provide spiritual healing against evil spirits to the people of the tribe.
-Prophet - Able to preform various forms of prophecy.
-Mystic - Ability to communicate with the spirit world, leave the body and enter a supernatural world in search of wisdom and answers.

Native americans also use objects such as the calumet or pipe in ceremonies. 
The war dance\rain dance is a way in which shaman enter altered states especially with the rhythmic beating of a drum and wearing ceremonial clothing.

Native american shamanic animals include
I may focus on the animal aspects of the shamanic cultures.

I like the idea of focusing this onto the shamans themselves and I could have a different shaman from each culture wearing the ceremonial clothing/headdresses. I may include the sacred animals within these images, I just need to make sure that they are suitable to apply to a range of products.
Native american inspired artwork. I also like the idea of focusing on the spiritual side of this and try to communicate the view a shaman has on the spirit world.

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