Sunday 7 May 2017

The jaguar shaman - Colour testing

While I was printing my first while layer for the jaguar shaman, I had an idea that right at the end I would press out all of the white ink and then make some full bleed marbled colour blends for the black layer to sit on top of for a more psychedelic aesthetic. The results where vey interesting.
I actually like seeing the different colour textures before the black layer is applied. Sometimes I get a mix of vibrant and pastel colours that work in harmony as a marbled effect. The marbled effect of colour blending also relates more to the mystic elements of these spiritual cultures so these prints could be more informed.

To say this was just a test I am very pleased with the final outcome of these colour blended designs. They have a brand new aesthetic and vibe due to the vibrant colours. I think as it is relating to shamanism and there are many feathers in the design, The use of colour seems to really suit the image. This us definitely my favourite print for this module so far and I want to continue to pursue this style throughout the rest of this project. In this I have also coloured the eyes of the shaman and the jaguar with a white paint pen. I think it really pops them out of the page and actually enhances the overall aesthetic.

One of my favourite parts of printing with the colour blend is that they all come out completely unique so I will be printing many variations of this to get a wider range to choose from for my final illustrations. I think the colour blended shaman could work just as effectively on a product as the flat colour shamans.
These could also work as products just as the printed versions. I think these sceenprints are of a standard where they could be sold in a print shop or on a website alongside a range of printed products.
In my next print I will be making an Aztec shaman that has some sort of mask. I am also planning on having the face paint and headers as a separate colour blend so there are still there layers. This will be further explained with my next shamanic print.

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