Sunday 7 May 2017

Back to the shaman heads

Taking the shaman head approach to my images is a better option for this module because of the applicability to a range of products. So my next step is to find a range of shamans and animals that I can then turn into printed images. Ive had some thoughts of doing a jaguar/Mayan shaman, also a skull headdress shaman and possibly a masked shaman. I am exploring a rang of northern american shamanic cultures so I will be relating to a much more focused region.

Sketching these out will help me to figure out the best combinations for me to finalise and screen print for the products.
Ive also had an idea at looking at some mayan shamanic clothing to make my next shaman to have a full headers of feathers that extend beyond the animal. This could add a whole new layer to my prints and make them even more suited to products, especially if I start to bring in more elements of colour into my deigns. I want to include some marbled effects so there is a more unique aesthetic created that could work well with my fine detailed black likes.

I would like my set of six shaman heads to be a wolf, bear, eagle, jaguar, skull and mask. I like the idea of having an ancient mask and a skull shaman just to break the set up of images into more original outcomes rather than making them all animals that could end up looking too similar. My next shaman will be a native american that has a spirit animal of a bear.

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