Monday 8 May 2017

Ultraviolet shamans

I have finally made my first set of ultraviolet screen prints. I have done the same process of my usual printing but just included fluorescent paints and trying to get a very high contrast throughout the colour blends.  Printing with UV paint almost means two image are being printed in one because in normal light and in black light they are essentially two completely different image that work equally as effective, so this is getting more diverse outcomes in my work that is great for applying to sellable products.

I have been experimenting with this as much as I can and I have painted a ultraviolet space effect and then screen printed onto it but with a white layer instead of black. I am trying to bring my and quality elements and textures into my printing processes to make it more diverse and experimental to create a new original aesthetic. These types of prints would be the final product once framed. I do think this specific test onto the space effect didn't come out quite as clear as I though so maybe I will have to revisit this idea again to define it some more.

These are just the scanned versions of the uv prints so they don't look as well as they could until the black light brings them to life.

Printing these images in uv paint enables them to be put into an entirely new content that can directly be related to mysticism
This could be my favourite print under the UV light out of all that I have made. This is because I think the bright orange tone that dominates the print really give the image a warm aesthetic and the little hits of blue, green and pink provide the marble effect with an effective balance. Another reason as to why this is my favourite uv print is because of the unique texture that runs down the entire image. This has been created because the previous print was on corrugated card which means there were parts of the print before that were imprinted onto the screen which were then transferred into this unique print. I think the texture along with the marbled effect make a very pleasing and original aesthetic that I will defiantly be exploring further in the future.

Space texture used with ultraviolet paints.

This was the space effect I have painted using uv paints. There is so much more depth created when under the black light, the painting is really given a new aesthetic which adds to the mystical contact of the shamanic culture. I want to be making more of these now I know the possible outcome. I will even be adding these uv space textures onto my skateboards. 
I also really like how this print onto corrugated card has turned out under the uv bulb. I think this one is much more subtle but is still just as effective. The orange works very effectively with the brown tones of the card (which is much more noticeable in person). The colour blend/marble effect that I have been practicing seems to work perfectly with the uv. Th colours are made much more vibrant so there is such a high contract created in the marble which i this looks very effective. I will definitely be making these uv prints and combining them with textures in the future.

New textures that are made through printing onto card is really noticeable under the fluorescent light. It is a really unique texture and I will be continuing to push this further in my own practice, giving my work a whole new level of aesthetic qualities.

This is really showing how the marbled effects can be used to created really nice textures beneath the shamans that work eve more effectively under the black light. 

 I tried some new approaches with this print. I have printed the shaman in reverse, so it has been printed on black card and for the usual black layer, I have used a range of neon paints as a marbled effect. This creates a different aesthetic to my other prints, But I think that this one is probably the most effective UV print because it is the most clear what the image is and the colours seem to work very well and have a really fluorescent glow. This is also one of my favourite experimental ultraviolet prints and I will defiantly be making more with the use of this very interesting media.

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