Saturday 6 May 2017

Initial sketches

Ive had this idea of bringing the entheogen's into this somehow and maybe focus on some elements of the spirit world and the whole mystical side of the shamanic cultures.This could be done as part of a scene, maybe a shaman meditating in the spirit world? I aim to explore a new aesthetic within this module, so that my work can more effectively be applied.
I have had another idea of a range of shamans that are wearing a headdress of the native spirit animal. I would like to explore this idea further as I think some nice screen prints could be made of this. I could include, a wolf, bear, eagle, moose, jaguar, tiger, maybe a skull? 
My next step is to mow make a test screen printed version of one of these headdress shamans to see if it will be an effective design as well as being able to be applied to a range of products. I will first start with a native american shaman and start with a wolf.

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