Saturday 6 May 2017

Eagle shaman test - Native American

I did this eagle print at the same time as the wolf shaman. This was where I found my problems because the screen was completely covered and I didint have enough space in order to get successful prints. But I have learned from this process so its not all bad. I now know I need more room when I'm printing and also I've got a good idea of how my final shamans could potentially look if i put more time into the different positives with more detail to make it a much more professional outcome. The aim for this was only to be a test so I can see how it could potentially be explored and now I'm going to take this idea further and keep experimenting with it.

I also want to bring the aspects of trippyness and spiritualism into these prints somehow so I will be potentially pursuing this through my use of colour. I want to spread the word and teachings of the shamans in my work so there needs to be a mystical element in my set of printed illustration.

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