Monday 16 January 2017

Studio brief 3 - Sound

For the sound/music for my animation, I have decided to use a small sample from one of my favourite animations the big lez show. I have searched many different sound samples from but nothing really caught my full attention. I was sat watching this animated show when a specific scene came on where one of the characters is having a spiritual experience and the music that is played in the background during this scene is what I have chosen to use in my 30 second sting. I was searching for a piece of music that would really relate to my animation, so it has to be something that sounds spacey and has a very mellow tone. The sounds used in an animation can really add emphasis on certain scenes so I wanted to make sure that the sounds used really create the spacey atmosphere throughout the sting.

This is the scene in which the music is playing that I am going to use in my animation. This is one of my favourite animated scenes of all time. the main character lez is going through a life changing experience and the music to this part really makes the scene to powerful. The trippy/spacey sounds make it a perfect collection of sounds that I will use for my animated sting.

The piece of music it self is called 'its time to wake up' by Jarred Write who also voices and animates the big lez show.

This is the original piece of music converted into an MP3 from youtube. The music itself is really slow and the into takes a while for the sound to fully develop so I had to do some editing on the song to make it fit my animation. All I had to do was delete certain parts of the music so that the timing is accurate so the animated images and sounds work as one whole unit.
This is the 30 second version of 'its time to wake up' chopped and edited to work with my sting.

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