Sunday 15 January 2017

Studio brief 2 - Creating positives for final designs

now I have tested out a range of printing processes, It is now time for me to start creating the final printed images. I have chosen to carry on with the detailed astronaut design as a screenprint because I think this holds the strongest aesthetic of all the experimented prints. 
I have also taken some reference images of astronauts to help me figure out the shape and form in which the astronaut will be placed. Without reference images it would be really difficult for me to come up with a completely new astronaut shape and design. Getting the right angle would be difficult so using reference will actually elevate the overall design of my prints. 
I have chosen to take this shape of the astronaut from my screenprinted tests further into my final designs. I have done this because I really liked the overall shape of the drawn version and with the glitch effect it really gives off the impression of falling/floating in space. I figured that there wasn't much point in coming up with a completely new astronaut design as one of my finals because this one works really well. All I have done to this from my experiment is enlarge it to an A3 scale so it will work with the set.

This is the second reference image I have found for one of my final printed designs. I have chosen this because it is a completely different shape and angle to the first one and I am aiming to get a set of five different poses that work as a set but are still five strong individual images.

When drawing this my goal wanst to copy the image to its exact form, I am just using the shape and then filling in all of the gaps myself. So for this design I have tried to include much more of the tangled wires than the original image. I think the tangled wires help give the illusion of being in outer space, and I also think that these wires will really work well with the glitchy effect caused by the pink and blue offset. To maximize on the glitch I have also drawn in the vertical lines like in the previous design. This will help keep the offset consistent throughout the prints making them work more effectively as a set of images, so my aim is to keep the same vertical lines running through all of the astronaut prints

This is one of my lino test images. I really liked the shape and position in which this astronaut has been designed and I thought that this could work well as one of my final prints. The best part of this design is how the hand is reaching out forward, This gives the impression that the astronaut is also floating through a spacey atmosphere. 

So as this was one of my favorite positions from the lino designs for the astronaut poses, I thought it was necessary to use this as one of my final designs. I diddnt need much reference for this design as I have drawn an astronaut in this pose quite a few times now as one of my editorial designs was also in this position so i have developed a good sense of how to compose an astronaut drawing from this angle. Once the astronaut has been drawn it is just then the simple step of adjusting the brightness and contrast so the lines become darker which means all of the wispy and loose lines are picked up by the screen.

I have found this image of an astronaut and i really like the shape and angle. This design will work effectively as a glitch because there will be more tangle wires included so it will work with the other tangle design and the image is more dense with detail. This shape also helps to give the illusion of floating in the vast empty cosmos which is exactly the impression i am trying to achieve with this design.
Ive included more lines and tangle wires to this design so the glitch works more effectively, to make the detail more compact and so it matches with the the other tangle design making the prints work better as a set.

This is my fifth and final design for my screenprinting. This is the most unique of all of my designs as I didnt take any reference from any images. I have drawn an astronaut so many different ways during this project so I wanted to give it a go from what I have leared from studying the form. I have also included a piece of sacred geometry into this design, this gives the image more of a direct link to Carl Sagan. Another way in which this design is unique to the others is the moon face visor rahter than just being block colour I think this makes the design more detailed and visually pleasing. The overall composition of this design is what I am most happy about with this. The fact that it has been cropped into its shape really makes the design more effective. Of all my astronaut designs for printing, This one is the most original and in my opinion the most effective but the final prints may change my mind on this.

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