Monday 16 January 2017

Final printed designs (smudge effect)

After I have created all of my colour smudge printed astronauts which wasn't that difficult because I had all of the positives ready from the last screenprints. I then needed to choose the best of each design to put forward as the finals. Its a very difficult decision as to which versions of the prints I think are the most effective out of the colour smudge and the glitch, both are effective for different reasons and they are both completely different aesthetics.

Its a hard decision to choose what makes the better set between the glitch and the smudge because I think the glitch works better with some designs and the smudge with others. for my first floating astronaut print I think the glitch has a stronger aesthetic and is there for a more effective image. I do like the purple tones that are created from the smudge in this design but the offset of blue and pink is a better way of communicating the idea of floating/glitching out of the cosmos into the infinite void.
Again with this design I think the glitch works better than the colour smudge, mainly because the colours I have used with this. More vibrant pink areas makes a better contrast of colour with the marble effect. I still like this outcome but the glitch has be be a more effective image. The hand drawn wispy lines and the tangle really make the glitch stand out over the blend of colour in this design.
I think with this design the smudge effect proved to be more effective than the glitch. I think this is because the image is more clear without the two layers of colour because in this moon face visor design the detail makes the glitch slightly hard to understand as an image where the smudge effect is much more easy to understand and the blend of pink and blue creates a mid tone of purple which creates a spacey atmosphere through colour on the design.

I think the same with this design as the moon face visor. This is potentially my favourite print from this entire project. I think its because of how the colour smudge effect has been randomly spread across the image. There is a very nice balance between the pink and blue and there is also random blobs f colour that have been created by splatting colour onto the screen before the screen is flooded. I really think this blend of colour technique has the potential to elevate a design to being more visually striking that just being a single colour. This process of screenprinting has allowed me to explore what can be done with the use of colour and holding back on my usual pattern of using black. I have gained a lot of useful knowledge through doing this and I will defiantly be doing this process of print again.

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