Monday 16 January 2017

Studio brief 3 - Animation study task 4

The small sound effects can really help the overall vibe of an animation. In fact the music or sound effects can be the difference between a good animation and a bad one. I think I will have to be really selective with what sounds or music I use in my animation because I will want the sounds and music to echo the content of my animation.

  • Its interesting to see how the movement, music and sound effects in this animation are synchronized to create the illusion that the animated characters are creating the music.
  • The pace of this animation is also really fast and slightly chaotic which means the music has to also keep up with this pace to create a convincing sting. 

Animations do not always need to be over complicated. Sometimes the most simple animations can be the most effective. By using simple shapes and textures a lot can be achieved. I have found that sometimes animations rely on well crafted images and little software manipulation whilst others rely on simple images and a lot of software manipulation. I think because I don't know how to use aftereffects I will be relying more on my crafted images to make a simple animation.

I have discovered from studying animation that there are a lot of elements that can have a big impact on the viewer to make a theme, concept or idea more bold and relatable. the fact that it is a moving image automatically gives the possibility for a theme or concept to be fully explored. Also I have found that the use of music and sound effects can really help to stimulate and reflect on what is happening in the moving image. Animations with good sound and music activate two different senses (sight and hearing) and in doing this, an animation can take the viewer of a short journey.

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