Tuesday 17 January 2017

Studio brief 3 - Animation Final

The Cosmos with Carl Sagan from kieran jeffery on Vimeo.

I am pretty happy with how my final animation final has turned out. I think I was successful in how I had imagined my sting through the process of storyboarding and was able to fully translate my sketches into a series of moving images. This really solidifies the importance of roughing and storyboards. Once the idea done in simple form  it can then be enough to create something that is a completed image or moving image.
Using aftereffects was a very fiddly process for me because I am usually a very analogue style designer, its always quite difficult for me to pick up different software's. But after a while of concentrating and getting tips from others in the class I was able to pick up the necessary skills to complete my animation. Although my sting was created on a computer software I still think I was able to keep a hand generated aesthetic which is what I was aiming to achieve. This is because my zine, editorials and final printed pictures also have a hand crafted quality.
I also think that the animation could have been improved in many ways aswel if I had spent more time getting to know the software. I could have done much more with the typography and the planets could have had more intricate movements if I had created more layers, I like the music in this but I could also of added some further sound effects for more emphasis to the sting.
I have tried communicating Carl Sagan with the sting by relating to my animation through the use of the cosmos and planets.
I am now happy that I can use the basics of after effects, this will definitely come useful in the future, I do find it difficult to figure out different software's and I don't really like making artwork by being sat at a computer screen but I am hoping to learn more of after effects and somehow use it to my advantage with future projects and within my own practice.

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