Monday 16 January 2017

Studio brief 2 - Smudge testing outcomes

Something that I have discovered with this process of printing is that each and every print comes out completely different. This can really be a good or a bad thing because some come out with a good combination of colour smudges and others not so effective, It is a slightly unpredictable way of producing coloured images. The designs here are all tests that I have done for each of my five astronaut designs. I still think the combination of the pink and blue can really make a nice vibrant balance of colours that works well with the astronaut because the smudge can create a spacey effect, especially when certain areas of the pink and blue become purple.

I have tried a couple slightly different colours with some of the astronauts, not with the intent of changing my final colour set but to just see how other colours would work with the smudge. I added some black into this print and it came out really streaky which has created a nice effect.
This one has some orange splattered onto the screen before the smudge. It creates a nice vibrant tone which brings out the brightness in certain areas that looks quite effective. I would really like to see what could be achieved with this colour smudge method but without being restricted to two colours.

More tests with the colour smudge but including more blue than pink. I think for these designs the astronauts look better with more pink, It makes them more vibrant and attractive. The final set of five will consist of more pink rather than blue.

I think of all of the designs, this one seemed to work the best with the colour smudge. It seems to be the most effective because there is a dense amount of detail throughout the design and the marble is really visible. I have also tried this effect onto different stock but again I think it is most effective on the somerset white. I am now aiming to produce a set of five smudge designs along with the set of glitches, then I will be able to choose which is the most effective and put forward as my final printed designs.

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