Thursday 12 January 2017

Studio brief 2 (Print) Screen print 3

After creating the glitch effected astronaut I wanted to further explore this aesthetic process. But this time I wanted to bring more elements of the astronaut into the image. So i have used this photo of an astronaut to draw an accurate shape that gives a good sense of floating in space. Using reference imagery can really help to make my work more effective as it gives me better ideas on how to compose a design.

This is the original drawn version of the printed design. I have really tried to loosen up with the line quality and not have it so tight, I have done this because I want the print to have a hand crafted aesthetic to it rather than being digital. I have also decided to include the straight vertical lines into this image because after my first test of the glitch I have thought about how I could improve the design and enhance the 3D effect. I think these lines included has really put emphasis on the glitch.

Pencil drawing turned into screenprinting positive. I have tried to keep as much of the wispy lines into the positive when editing to hold the hand drawn aesthetic, plus it adds to the glitch effect with loose line work.
These are the two separate colour prints. I personally like the single coloured versions alone but when combined and slightly offset, the image becomes something completely different that enhances the visual aesthetic causing a glitch effect. Screen printing has really allowed me to experiment with the use of colour. I am usually very reserved with my use of colour and always tend to use black but printing processes has allowed me to think in other ways which will really help my personal practice.

After debating with myself and speaking to others in the class, I have decided that for my finalised prints, I will be taking this style further. I have learnt a lot from creating the simple shape based astronaut with the colour smudge and I will definitely take that idea further onto a product but for this project my five final prints will consist of images based around the glitchy aesthetic. I think it will make a more visually interesting set of prints over the shape style.

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