Monday 16 January 2017

Studio brief 2 - Final printed designs (glitch effect)

This was my first final printed design. I already have a very accurate idea of how this was going to turn out because this was the same shape from my test pieces. With the final design I have just enlarged the original positive and made specific lines thicker to keep in proportion when scaled up. Of all of my printed images I think this design is still one of my favourite because the position in which the astronaut is placed, this design best shows the astronaut falling through space especially with the vertical lines that add to the glitch effect. This design has helped me to see that sometimes the test and experimented images can have the potential to become finals. I always think I can refine and refine a specific design but now I have discovered that somethings don't always need refining and work well with a more loose approach without being to concerned with perfect line quality. 

This is my second final printed astronaut. I was actually very pleased with the outcome of this design, I think the glitch effect becomes really visible in this. The tangle wires definitely help to improve the overall aesthetic of the image which enhances the glitch as there is more detail to be offset. I also like how the image is all composed into a square and cropped so the wires are cut off creating a boarder, This makes the design have a better overall composition instead of being a floating image like the first final print. This composition would work well once framed.
I also tried printing the designs onto different stock paper. I tried both somerset and somerset vintage, the vintage is the off white yellow tone. It actually changes the overall aesthetic of the design printing onto different stock. After much self debating and asking peoples opinions, I have come to the conclusion that the prints look better on the white somerset stock. This is because the colours are much stronger and more vibrant that helps to add emphasis on the glitch. The darker toned paper almost dulls down the colours and the glitch effect is compromised because of this. So for my final images I have decided to go with the white somerset but for future prints I know that the vintage somerset could potentially be really effective in making my prints look professional.

This is my third final printed image. This was is possibly my overall favourite design from all of my prints, this is because the way it has been composed. All of my other designs are full body designs of astronauts that have been taken from reference whereas this is my own design of astronaut. I think the moon in the visor really helps with the aesthetic and the crop gives it a unique composition that is different to the other designs but will still work in the set of five. I think this is the best composed design but I would say that it doesn't necessarily give off the best aesthetic for the glitch effect, this is because there aren't any of the vertical lines running through and behind the astronaut to create the glitch effect. So this is my favourite composition of the five but not the best for the process in which I have chosen to create the images.
This is my fourth final printed design. I have created this image so it matches in the set with the other wire tangled astronaut. Like the other design, the wires and detail really help to add more noise and depth to the image. This makes the design work well as an offset glitch. Again this design also gives the impression of floating in the cosmos which is how I intended my images to look. Like all the other designs I have tried to keep the drawings loose to keep the same aesthetic running through all of the set. These loose and rough lines help to improve the offset effect.

This is my fifth and final printed astronaut design. I think that it is important to note that with my prints I have taken a route that makes me think about the images and how they have been designed through aesthetic and not concept. With my designs I haven't taken much consideration of the concept into my images I have been more concerned with the processes that I have discovered along the way and how I can use what I have learnt through experimentation and apply it to a form of aesthetic. So I am really happy with how my prints look and how I have discovered a whole new way for me to approach image making but there is a lack of concept with the astronauts. I could have made more of a direct link to Carl Sagan but I am still really happy with the quality of my final printed designs.

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