Monday 9 January 2017

Studio brief 2 (Print) Lino testing 2

Before continuing with the shape based design I have recently discovered I wanted to quickly carve a more detailed astronaut design just to see how it would look once printed. I havent really needed to do much design thinking with this image either because I have taken the shape of an astronaut that was already drawn in my editorial brief. My plan was to redesign this editorial into a print but making certain changes that will compliment the process of lino carving.

As I was designing this image I didnt have a set idea of how it was going to look, as i was drawing the astronaut onto the piece of lino I started to break chunks off his suit and have them floating around, after that I just decided to bring in all of these broken shards. 
The thing that I like most about this design is the position that the astronaut is standing in I like him reaching out, it also makes the broken pieces work better with the image. Again the pink and the magenta really stands out with a colour fade and is my favourite of the colour fades which makes me more certain that I don't want to include black on my final prints.

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