Monday 9 January 2017

Studio brief 2 (Print) - Mono workshop

I can honestly say that I didnt really enjoy the process of mono printing. I found the workshop to be helpful because I now know that I wont be using mono printing in any of my final designs.
I feel like it is a very immediate process and I like to take time crafting my image to a certain quality that I am happy with. Mono printing will not allow me to reach the aesthetic I hope for my final designs to have.

Ive tried to make a planet shape out of mono print here and I wasn't really happy with the outcome, I know that I would really struggle with creating something that i am happy with through this process. I do however believe that mono can produce some really nice and unique textures that people could use to their advantage, some of the shape and line work that can be achieved can be very effective but I think for my design style it will be better to pursue them through other processes such as lino or screen.

Mono is a good way for quick tests of shape and colour but I think it is very aesthetically limiting. 

This was a quick astronaut mono print. The line quality that is shown through mono is very rough and textured and it is very easy to smudge or dirty an image. I am pretty certain that I could get much nicer, cleaner and more professional looking images through other processes. Maybe I will come back to mono in future projects but I think for this I wont be dwelling on trying to get a nice outcome from mono and I am going to instantly move onto the other processes of print to explore and develop.

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