Wednesday 20 April 2016

Postcard brief - research

For this city postcard brief I have decided to choose the theme of iconic monsters. Certain iconic monsters can give people an immediate relation to a specific city or location. I will try and communicate the cities and monsters in a minimal and effective way.

Noma bar's posters are a great example of minimal and effective designs. The vector shapes are simple bold colours but the accurate shapes gives off just the right amount of detail so the views can depict the meaning or the communication of the poster with ease. I aim to try and work this idea of simple forms into my postcards.

I have decided to use New York as one of my cities for this project. I realise it may be quite cliche but seeing as I'm going with the theme of monsters, I will try and create it in a simple form without using a skyline.

There is an obvious monster that is related all around the world to the city of New York. King kong is one of the worlds most famous monsters and people always relate this monster to New York and the empire state building. This is ever since the movie came out in 1993 where he climbs to the top and fight away the airplanes whilst carrying a helpless woman.

This is a vector of the same concept I am trying to create. I really like the simple black and white shapes that are composed well and central on the page. Although it is a simple form I immediately knew what the image was about and this is how I would like my postcards to produced.

Godzilla is another iconic monster that has been related to Tokyo for many years because of all the films that have been made of him destroying the city and battling other monsters in the city of Tokyo. I think this could also work well along side the King kong/New York postcard because Godzilla and Kong have been known to battle each other in old films. They are almost rivalling monsters.

Godzilla from the 2014 film.

I really like these vectors of using the negative spaces to create she shape of both Godzilla and the cities. Although i do think that the type is not needed in these and it should just be the symbolic image. I will try and create my vector shapes in a similar way.

I have chosen London as the third city for my postcard and there isn't a specific iconic fictional monster for this city so I decided to take a more real and subtle approach on the word 'Monster".

Jack the ripper was a murderer of 5 prostitutes in victorian London. The name jack the ripper is known all over the world as a monster and is commonly represented with the idea of the tophat, long coat and a surgical blade. I will try and include some of these feats within my postcard whilst relating it to London in a subtle way.

Iconic view of jack the ripper.

London skyline in vector form.

I have decided to chose a less obvious city for the fourth postcard. Massachusetts is where the film jaws was set and made. Jaws is an monstrous shark that everybody has heard of, but not everyone relates to the city it was made and I am going to try and communicate the monster and the city in a simple way.

This vector of a jaws poster is really effective with some nice textures. It has given me some ideas of how I can compose my postcard.

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