Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Psychedelic and colour development

"You are now about to begin a great adventure. The journey out of your mind. you will travel far beyond familiar reality into a level of transcendent awareness. You will leave behind you,  your ego, your beloved personality, which will be returned to you at the end of this voyage. The goal of this trip is ecstasy. To move outside the boundaries of normal perception and consciousness, into the far reaches of your nervous system. Beyond everything you have learnt, beyond your notion of space and time, beyond the differences which separate people from each other and the world around them". 

This is the introduction to Timothy Learys the 'The psychedelic experience' It is basically a guide into a trip. I thought it was a good description. So my next plan of action was to try and take what he has just said and try to create a visual representation of those words, with a few bits of my own creativity thrown in. plus the fact I have experimented with psychedelics made it easier to get a more psychedelic/trippy mood to the image.

This is a double page in my sketchbook. I wanted to try and visualise a psychedelic trip and create a page that is random, colourful that has elements of heightened consciousness and spirituality within it. I have always wanted to create this kind of work and this project has really given me the opportunity to get creative and let my thought just flow out onto the page. It was a very relaxing, engaging and fun piece for me to draw. I loved every minuet of closing colour combinations and organising the objects on the pages as I went along with no roughs or no boundaries to the possibilities. Plus after showing people this piece it has gotten a lot of positive response so I feel like this project has really given me a good idea about how I want to make artwork and what message and ideas I want to stand by and communicate. 

I did a few tests of changing the hue and saturation on photoshop. the results were quite trippy. some of the colours completely change but it has given me some good ideas on making some gifs.

testing a few pattern designs as I know for my A2 poster I will be creating a bigger and better version of the psychedelic image above so I will need to consider a few different pattern variations that can be included in the poster.

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