Wednesday 20 April 2016

Postcard brief - Finals

Final outcomes for city postcards.

This is the London/jack the ripper vector postcard. I choose to use the hat as this is jacks most iconic feature and it communicates his image more that any over feature. I decided to add a skyline of London within the hat so that it is more recognisable. Otherwise it would not be clear as to what city the postcard is trying to represent. Of all the postcards I think this one was the most difficult to create. the curved lines on the hat were especially difficult as it was hard to get parallel lines to run all the way across the trim of the hat. I decided to go with a neutral colour scheme as the black and grey work nicely with to make the red stand out. Overall I am quite happy with this design as I am still very new to illustrator, but I also realise that it lacks a certain professionalism that can only get better with more practice on the software.

This is the Tokyo/Godzilla postcard. My favourite part of this postcard is the colour scheme. I like the beige background with the red sun and grey mountain. I think those colours create a nice harmony across the image. I also think that this design isn't simple and may be slightly over complicated. I feel that I could have somehow reduced it down so that it communicates in a more simple form. Having said that it is still pretty obvious what city it is suppose to represent and that was the whole point of the task. The shapes of the mountain, the monster and the sun make it clear that it is a postcard for Tokyo.

Of the four postcards that I have designed I think this one is my favourite. I like how it is a little more playful and it has a more unique and inventive design. I also decided to take away the mini King King at the top because I felt that the image did not need him in tho communicate New York and Kong. The empire sate building as a banana is enough for the viewer to depict the image and relate the monster to the city. I think this has definitely been my most effective way of communication through shape driven images.

This is the postcard for Massachusetts and Jaws. The may be the most unclear in terms of how well the image communicates the city. It may be obvious that it is jaws but it doesn't really have a direct link to Massachusetts. I still like the composition and the use of exaggerated scale but I do think I could have spent more time on this image and how I could of made the city more clear.
Overall I think vectors is a very interesting way of making images and is very different to how I usually work. I know that it is good to explore new uses of media and pushing myself of of my comfort zone is the best way to do this. I may revisit vectors in future tasks and by then I will hopefully have a better understanding of how to communicate ideas in simple and effective ways.

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