Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Sacred geometry

After my psychedelic experience and witnessing the geometric patterns of the trip, plus Timothy Leary and countless other psychedelic users have claimed to see geometric patters and pieces of sacred geometry. I thought it was time to continue my research into the world of geometry.

This is the flower of life. It is thought to be the most important piece of sacred geometry. Countless shapes have all derived from this one pattern. Some believe it to be that sacred that within this geometric pattern holds secrets to our entire existence and even the universe.

These are some variation forms of sacred geometry that derive from the flower of life. The flower life can also be found in all major religions across the world, it contains the perfect pattern of creation that emerged from the void. It can be found in all areas of life ranging from human energy systems to the basic forms and structures of molecules. The flower of life possess a huge part of the way we see our universe. Im glad this project has introduced me to these new concepts and ideas. I may include some sacred geometry within my final pieces.
The 5 platonic solids also fit within the form of the flower of life.
These are the 5 platonic solids. they are the platonic solids because the are the 5 primary shapes in geometry. Every shape of geometry is based around these shapes but these all derive from the flower of life. the platonic solids all have equal sides and edges so they are perfect in shape, even naturally forming crystals all grow within the fundamental properties if these 5 primary shapes. Crystals are like a natural imprint of sacred geometry. So after researching these pieces of geometry I think I will include them into my pieces of art, especially the poster.

Clear quartz is a good example of a crystal that follows the shape of sacred geometry. It always grows with six sides. 
More pieces of sacred geometry.

I've brought a few sketches of sacred geometry together to try and understand the shapes better, I actually read may articles that said to understand sacred geometry moe in-depth, a good way to do this is to draw them out by hand. I also like the idea of having a trip face of some sort that is layered with geometric shapes and patterns.

So I've ran the flower of life and a few versions of it to help me understand its design and until I drew it I had no idea that it is actually made up circles overlapping each other. Seeing it come together by drawing each circle was really therapeutic. I also fell upon some alchemy when researching sacred geometry because all ancient alchemy symbols and circles derive from sacred geometry.

Alchemy is an ancient science where they believed cheap metals could be transmuted into pure metals such as gold using these transmutation circles. The study of alchemy today is basically non existent and is believed to be foolish, but I read something that said alchemists didn't only believe that alchemy could change metals, but could also change a persons frequency so the transmutation was not a physical change but a spiritual change where one heightens there spiritual awareness and increasing there own vibration throughout the processes of alchemy and therefore sacred geometry.

Basic alchemical symbols. Alchemy symbols and circles may make an appearance within my final outcomes.

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