Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Final outcomes

I am quite happy with how my final postcards came out. I think the colours I have used within the faces and how there is a section cut out works really effectively. The geometric shapes and platonic solids work well as a set and fit in nicely with the spacey background that has been achieved by fingerprinting colours onto a black background. I think I made a good decision in reducing some of the elements down and just sticking to the shapes, alchemy symbols and geometry instead of including the mushrooms and acid tabs. I think a hint of the molecular structure to LSD is a much more subtle and effective element. overall I am really pleased with the final outcomes of the three postcards. It has in many ways given me more ideas on how I can start crating my own personal work and developing my own recognisable style.

For the stamps I have decided to keep it a little more simple. I was going to do LSD tabs as stamps but I think I have enough drug references within the poster, so instead I have kept it more subtle and gone back to my research of sacred geometry and alchemy to create the stamps. The two stamps that are bright and colourful are of two pieces pf sacred geometry with my own colourful twist where are the circle symbol is an ancient transmutation circle found in alchemy and the other is a simplified version of the geometric background. As individual pieces the stamps may not be very strong images but when combined with the postcards and the poster it will all seem to work as a set in creating a visualisation of Timothy Learys thoughts and beliefs.

I can honestly say that I'm really pleased with the final outcome of this poster. It took me over 20 hours to complete and id say it was completely worth it. I personally think it is the best piece of illustration I have produced since being on this degree, possibly the best illustration I have ever made actually. I like the fact that you can look at it for a long time and notice little features and elements of the poster. I tried to visualise the realm of psychedelic drugs onto one piece of A2 paper. I think it was somewhat successful and it has gotten such good responses and feedback that it has almost given me more confidence in my own work which I think is a very important part of being an illustrator. This project and the way in which I have approached making this poster has had a huge effect on how I want to develop my own signature style and progress further. I am going to continue to create trippy artwork that is covered with colour, patterns and objects. I am so glad that I was given Timothy Leary to research because if I hadn't, I would not have considered making work in this way. Now I think I'm definitely on the right track in terms of what kind of image maker I really want to be.

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