Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Poster development

As my aim is to create a bigger and better version of this image with more objects and abstract patterns, I need to flesh out a few ideas of what could be included in the poster.

I had the thought of including some type into the poster but I'm having immediate second thoughts on the idea. It doesn't need words and will be better off without them I think. I do like the thought of including a trippy moon character or a sun. The moon could be blowing smoke that enters a spacey and geometric pattern design.

I thought I could include some nice textures using brusho inc so I did a quick test in my sketchbook to see how it could look. Again I quickly decided against it because the the textures cause by brush may make the poster too chaotic so I think I will just stick to the paint pens and get a good range of colours.

Ive considered more objects to go into the poster that all relate within the realm of trippy/spacey/psychedelic. I do like the idea of putting a rubix cube in the poster somewhere. Im definitely including the mushrooms and LSD tongue. I will also include the tentacles and the person who's third eyes opens into the geometric space patters. But it will all be in higher detail and better quality that the one done in my sketchbook. 

Im not trying to over plan the layout of this poster, I think it will be better if I just do it how I did my sketchbook piece, with no reference to anything and just getting the colours and shapes find there own way. I have sketched a few possibilities out just in case I get stuck because it can be quite daunting looking at a big blank piece of paper. Its like where do I even begin. But I think I have prepared enough to get a good resolved outcome.

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