Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Acid head

I wanted to draw something that related to LSD so I decided to draw a tripy face of a person taking acid. I also wanted to test out some colour combinations because I expect my final outcome will have a lot of colour within them as psychedelic artwork usually is quite chaotic and colourful.

This was the initial drawing of the head, but then I light boxed this drawing so I could make the final image much neater.

This is the final design for the acid head. I have done this using a range of paint pens. I wanted to get some colours out and start testing some combinations. I quit like the style in which I have done this, the paint pens seem to work really well and increase the vibrance of the colours. I may have used slightly too much black lines over the top but that can be reduced when creating final images, this was really just a test for myself.

I also scanned this image and altered the vibrance and saturation on photoshop. I personally think some of them came out quite nice. I had no idea it would change the colours so dramatically. some variations of colours looked over done but with these images I quite like the combinations that were achieved, especially the bottom left image. the swampy green works well with the purple tone. I aim to create more colourful pieces and manipulating them on photoshop to get some interesting results.

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