Thursday 21 April 2016

Persons of note - Postcard roughs

For the postcard I have decided to create them in the same way in which the acid head was made, with the vibrant colours that fade into each other and the eyes left completely white.

I will be doing three different designs of Timothy learns face for the postcards. I like the idea of using vibrant colours to add emphasis on the psychedelic.

This was another rough version of the postcard design but I have included more objects and have given the image a spacey background. I like the idea of putting more objects and shapes into the image however I don't think it is necessary to include cliches like the mushrooms. That can be left for the poster. I am going to focus solely on the geometry within the postcards. I think it doesnt need obvious drug relations and I will keep it slightly more subtle. I do like the section of his face that is a cut off and has a completely different colour scheme. I think I will use this same idea within the finals, it adds more depth to the image and if the colours are chosen correctly they can compliment each other.

These are the photos of Timothy Leary I am going to wrk from when creating my abstract portrait postcards.

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