Wednesday 20 April 2016

Postcard brief - Illustrator workshop

This is the first time I have ever used illustrator and is therefore the first time I have ever created an image using vectors. I did not have an initial sketch to vector over, I just decided to try and draw something on screen. I chose to use a composition of one of the jaws design I had roughed out and I have taken screen shots of the process of each layer.

After using this software for the first time, I have realised that it is going to be quite difficult to create an effective outcome, especially because I work in basically 100% analog media. This is why I am aiming to design minimal posters that in ways require less technical abilities. This is because I have not had any practice on illustrator. But by the end of this brief, hopefully I will feel more confident about my vectoring abilities.

More screenshots of the developing image. I have kept this simple using only a few layers of colour. I quite like this design of the jaws image, I like playing with scale to give emphasis on certain features. the final outcome will be a much more refined version of this workshop task.

This was the final version of this design. It isn't anything special and may have many flaws but it has definitely given me more scope to work with new I have used illustrator for the first time and have got to know how some of the tools work. I actually quite enjoyed making this image aswel, it was nice to work in a way I have never even considered in the past.

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