Wednesday 20 April 2016

Persons of note - Timothy Leary

For this project we were each given three different famous people to research but choosing one person to pursue in our development of work and to create images based around this persons beliefs, way of life or achievements. I have been given Timothy Leary. A psychologist and author who was very well known for his experiments with psychedelic drugs LSD and magic mushrooms. To be honest I think this is the perfect person I could have been given for this project. The realm of psychedelic drugs is a very interesting and abstract realm which gives me the opportunity to create some really intense images.

After reading about Timothy Leary, watching interviews and documentaries about his life and listening to an audio version of his book 'The psychedelic experience' I have now realised that he was intact a very interesting person and I could specialise in many specific parts of his life that I could focus on. But for this project i have decided to pursue the overall beliefs of this person and try to communicate his view of psychedelic drugs through a visualisation of a psychedelic trip.

This is a research page I have put together of timothy leary and psychedelics. 
Timothy Leary has claimed to taking LSD over 300 times. He believed that the chemical compounds Lysergic acid diethylamide and psilocybin can be used to change a persons perspective, to give a greater sense of the universe and not just the third dimensional material world. Timothy Leary believed that taking psychedelics in controlled and safe environments with the right mindset can actually be beneficial to the individual. I must say that I do personally agree with this view.

This is a page of quotes and the opening paragraph to 'The psychedelic experience' after listening to the audio version of his book voiced by Timothy Leary, I really got a better sense of what kind of artwork I will produce. The introduction of The psychedelic experience is almost guiding you into a psychedelic trip or a meditative state of mind which are in ways very connected.

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