Thursday 21 April 2016

End of module self evaluation

Leeds College of Art

OUIL406 Visual Communication
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End of Module Self Evaluation
Kieran Jeffery
1. What have you learn about visual communication during this module and how effectively do you think you have applied these ideas?

I feel like I have learnt a lot about visual communication during this module. It is an illustrator’s duty to effectively communicate an idea or ethos to the viewers. This module has given me the opportunity to explore a wider range of image making methods that will be good tools when creating images in the future. I think I have been able to apply the knowledge of communication throughout some aspects of my work, especially with the persons of note brief. I now feel that I am much more equipped as an image-maker to tackle new briefs with a wider range of methods. Digital work is slowly being incorporated into my practice and the idea of making gifs and mini animations is also a path that I would like to take. This has been the most useful module for me and I feel that I have learnt the most about image making and visual communication during these projects.
2. What approaches to/ methods of image making have you developed and how have they informed your concept development process?

This module has given me the opportunity to learn a wide range of methodologies of image making. Before this project I had never used Illustrator but after creating the postcards I now feel that I am much more confident with my digital\vector image making abilities. I also feel like creating the gifs have also given me a lot to think about in terms of how I am going to create future artwork. Gifs has the capability of really bringing a series of images to life and I definitely want to revisit gif making in the near future. I also have developed my ability to use colour in an effective way. Using bold colours and creating my own textures through layers colour has really helped me create a truly psychedelic image. This is how I am going to approach my own personal projects, with the new mind-set of how I can create work using vibrant colours. I also think this project has given me more scope on how to communicate an idea effectively through the processes of image making. Visual communication is like an illustrators voice within the artwork and I now realise that for me to truly develop as an illustrator I need to have an opinion and a standing point that need to become more relevant throughout my illustrations.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I think that the identifiable strengths that are shown throughout this module are my abilities of creating a high detailed image. I think the zombie face gif was well drawn and worked as an effective gif. I also think that the persons of note brief really gave me the opportunity to capitalise on my strengths. The poster and the postcards were highly detailed images that hold lots of information and colour. I feel like this has been the best brief for me to really push myself and see what I am capable of creating. I was very pleased with the outcomes and have received a lot of positive feedback from the work. This has almost given me a creative surge and I now feel like I have a better understanding of myself and what kind of images I want to be making in the future. I also feel that I am slightly more confident about my
own practice and continuing to work in this way of using lots of colour and creating high detailed outcomes that communicates a state of mind or feeling is something I am defiantly going to develop, especially with my personal development as an image maker.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

I would definitely say that there is an obvious weakness within my work when it comes to my abilities of creating digital images. I enjoyed making the vector postcards but I don’t think that they are of a professional standard, I haven’t spent enough time getting to know the software and exploring new possibilities of digital image making. I also think that I have a weakness when it comes to communicating an idea in a minimal and simple way. I usually work in ways that require me to add much detail to an image, but this will not always work in my favour. I now understand from this module how powerful visual communication is and sometimes a simple idea/design can speak much louder than a fully rendered image. But I can now take what I have learned and try and apply it to work that I will produce in the future. I am setting myself a personal task of getting used to creating digital work and considering more ideas that effectively communicate ideas. This will only help me develop and progress as a practitioner giving me a wider range of methods of image making.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
  1. Iwouldspendmoretimegettingtoknowsoftware’smoreandexploringand experimenting new tools by watching YouTube videos and just figuring things out by myself. This will help me gain more digital skills so my work will look more refined and of a professional standard. Doing this will only help me progress as an image-maker.
  2. Iwouldalsoliketohavespentmoretimeonthepersonsofnotebriefincreatingmore textures using a wide range of materials to get a completely new and original outcome that could be filtered into the images somehow.
  3. I would also try and keep my blog posts more consistent and daily so that my reflections are more authentic and are written in the moment whilst I’ve had the thought rather than leaving elements of the blog until a later date when my thoughts on the project are slightly distorted.
  4. Iwouldspendmoretimeontheresearchphaseoftheprojectsarereallygetinvolved with researching for new knowledge that I can apply to my work and possibly even other aspects of my life, depending on the research topic.
  5. Iwouldliketohavedevelopmoreamoreminimalwayofcommunicatingandidea, especially with the digital work, seeing as my digital skills are not as good as my analogue skills I think it may be wise to create minimal and effective work that is digital and my detailed work that is by hand. This will make me a more diverse and flexible image-maker.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
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The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.