Friday 14 April 2017

Illustration Friday - Swirl (responsive)

This weeks illustration fridays theme is swirl. after printing my skateboards I wanted to get back into the print room and make some more colour blends but with a more simple design. I just really enjoy the process of screen printing and I'm using any chance I can to make some form of a print.

This is the design I had drawn for swirl. My idea was to just draw a trippy looking sun/flower that has a face and is surrounded with swirly patterns, I feel like once a colour blend is added, it could make a nice colourful image.

This a a few of the colour blends I had made for this. With screen printing its always worth making a hand full of prints so you can choose the best outcome, especially with colour marbling because they are all different. I personally like the ones that have the most separation with colour as oppose to the ones that merge.
This is maybe my favourite colour blend out of the prints I think it has the best colour variation and separation. I am starting to like the combination of high vibrant colours with pastels, they create a nice contrast that works well with my style of work. 

This is the final print for swirl. I think the combination of the colours and the black lines work well although it does look slightly confusing, maybe I could of used thicker black lines or maybe put some highlights in the colour. I have also had an idea of screen printing on other stock colours or maybe even acetate or card to get a variation of background colours and textures. I will explore this further in time.

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