Monday 17 April 2017

Collaboration Roald Dahl - Development sketches

After reading the Roald Dahl brief, I knew that this was going to be one that I would start designing for. I initially thought that I would be just character designing on my own but after the big collaboration day we had and I spoke to a few individuals, we had decided that this was going to be the brief that we were to collaborate on as all of us wanted to do some character design work for a childhood story. 

We had a group meeting on how we would go about making these characters and what stories we would choose to produce work for. We all agreed that the BFG and the giants would be a good one to start designing characters for, we also liked the idea of doing the witches, fantastic fox and james and the giant peach as there had to be a villain a fantastical character and a child within these designs. 

I stated to design some characters for Bfg and the giants, just trying to get a range of different possibilities that could work as children storybook illustrations. At this moment we are all working on ur own drawing styles to create some characters so in our next meeting we can decide the things we want to take into further development and leave behind the things we don't need .

More giant concept designs. I had an idea of playing around with the scale of the characters, I like the idea of the giants being much much larger than the bfg to really add a scarier element to them. Being the villains I am trying to make them quite dark and scary looking. I feel like this would add more character to them.

Ive tried playing around with some possible colour tests for the Bfg using inks. I realise that colour will be a very important part of these characters and they can't be just black and white so thinking about colour possibilities is an essential part of this project. If the Bfg was to have colour included I think more earthy tones would be more appropriate.

I had a quick idea of including my space effect into the scenes, it would be a good way for them to work as a set as there needs to be something consistent that connects the designs so they are not just three random scenes. Because there are four of us working on this we all need to have an equal amount of input into these designs so atlas one person needs to add the colour and that could possibly be my job, putting the hint of colour into each scene while others draw and ink them.

I had a quick idea of making the giants all out of silhouettes with white eyes so they all look very similar, this could add to the eeriness of them, especially when in a group, I quite like this concept piece and I think it is very different to what I would usually make, but at he same time it would be difficult to keep this same theme running throughout the three stories. 

After another group session and discussion, we have decided that we would do Bfg as the fantastical character, the witches as the villain and James for the child. The decision was for everyone to keep sketching and designing the characters now we knew for definite which stories/characters we would illustrate. 

The next step for me was to start drawing some witches. I am always usually drawn to making my characters quite dark and creepy looking so having a go at some concert designs are perfect for me.

Ive started drawing some classic looking witches in some various styles. Im trying to get as manny different possible variations so the group would have more options to choose from.

The witches I have drawn here work as a concept sketch but I'm not sure if they would work too well for a children's book. I think they will need more colour and to be toned down slightly and maybe have more shape/textures involved rather than being completely made of lines.

I find it very difficult to make sort of watered down and charming looking characters, mine always end up being slightly sinister looking so I think I may not be the person who is going to be drawing the characters up and I will have to have some other form of input, possibly the colour.

After another group meeting we have now decided on who is going to have what role with creating these characters ad scenes. We decided that I won't be drawing the characters as my style may not be suited to the brief so it is left in some more capable hands. We had decided that one person would design the layout for the scenes and how they would be composed, someone else would draw up the characters and the scenery another would ink and then my role for this is that I will be screen printing the final designs and adding the colour. I will be adding a marbled effect to each of the scenes so that they look they they are made from a consistent set. Now I have to wait for the other group members to draw and ink the designs so then I can take them forward to be finalised and printed.

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