Thursday 27 April 2017

End of module self evaluation

Learning Outcome
Evidenced where?
Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc.  (No more than 75 words)
Your grade
Using words:
> poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
5A4:  Make appropriate use of a range of research methods to investigate a topic and produce work relating to the critical, cultural or social context of art and design. (Knowledge & Understanding - Research and Critical Awareness)
Throughout this module my process of research has been more explored within my own practice. I have investigated a range of aesthetics that has helped me to acquire a new set of methods of image making. This module has also given me the freedom to explore my own contextual relation which has driven me to the similar concept of psychedelia running through my imagery which is where I would like I take my personal practice. This ongoing concept is evidenced on my blog.

5B3: Generate ideas, concepts, proposals, solutions and/or arguments using the language,
materials, processes and techniques of a designated discipline. (Cognitive Skills - Problem
Analysis, Problem Solving)
Through evidence on my blog I have repeatedly shown that my idea generation is primarily explored through the roughs. I also have generated ideas for myself by using experiments of techniques and materials. These explored processes help my work to become more well informed and visually refined and has given me the ability to produce a various range of outcomes, making my practice more flexible. These processes of my development are evidenced throughout my blog
Very good
5C3: Respond to set briefs or proposals in a professional context. (Practical Skills - Visual Quality and Conceptual Development)
I think that my finalized outcomes for this module outline the ongoing sense of professionalism within my practice. This gradual progression of professionalism is evidenced through the use of blogs. I feel that the beach buggy brief has really started to show me how my practice can be translated into a professional context. Craftsmanship and attention to making highly refined imagery has also allowed my work to better suit a professional context and this is evidenced on my blog.
5D3: Exercise self-management skills in managing their workloads and meeting deadlines/apply interpersonal and social skills to interact with others. (Key Transferable Skills, Organisation, Communication and Evaluation)
Self and time management has been one of the difficult parts of this module. This is because the briefs are all running at the same time and it can be hard to know what project to work on and how much time to devote. I think that I have created a substantial amount of physical work for the briefs but I think I may have left some of the written elements to the later stages of the module rather than being consistent.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information)

You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module.
Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document and post the PDF as your final post on your OUIL503 blog. Also, please cut and paste the text from this box into the final page(s) of your OUIL503 Project Report.

I feel that this module as a whole has been a very valuable and beneficial experience. I have gained a new range of new methods and disciplines related to image making that will really help to push my own creative practice further and into the professional world. At the start of this module I think that I may have lacked certain aspects of confidence within my practice and own abilities but I have now discovered new styles and approaches I can further develop that will make me a more diverse and flexible practitioner. Some new skills that I have acquired during this time is the use of line and pattern to create a detailed piece of psychedelic imagery. I have also found a new level of confidence from the beach buggy brief as I had to challenge myself and push my sense of perfectionism in a looser manor in order to create an original design. I have also developed my use of color within the process of screen-printing. Screen-printing is an area of image production that I have been recently exploring and developing across all my modules but within these briefs I have further explored my sense of vibrant and multicolored marbled effects to create unique aesthetics that can be applied to a wide range of images and potential products. Spray-paint is another new media format in which I have explored in this module, this was a very enjoyable experience for me and I think that it has opened many new doors for me to apply what I have learned to new projects. With the explored media of spray-paint it has made me think of my own work on a much larger scale and in my own practice I am thinking of creating some mural sized psychedelic pieces that will be done using a range of spray-paints and paint pens to get a very vibrant and graphic finish. I will pursue this further during summer.

My favorite outcome from this module is the beach buggy psychedelic pattern design, this is because during this brief I have developed a new style, created a new aesthetic and have been challenged by being put out of my comfort zone. I have also had a good chance to see my work in a professional and real life context which has now given me a new sense of direction in my own practice that I feel could one day be successful.

I think if I was to go back and change a few elements of how I approached this module I would have devoted more time into my contextual research. I realize that if my research had been more thorough throughout the briefs then my roughs, development and final outcomes would have been more well informed meaning they could have been produced with more of a contextual basis that have strong powers of communication. Another factor of this module that could been improved is my ability to divide equal amounts of time through the running briefs, there was times of this module where I wasn’t balancing my time effectively and this may be due to the fact that there is a lot of independency in this module. I also think I could have been more consistently reflective on my blogs so that my development is regularly discussed that will reinforce my reasons behind my decision making that will potentially help my project to expand.

I think that the most valuable part of this project for me is how I am going to take the new set of skills that I have acquired during the briefs and continue to further explore and develop them within my own personal professional practice. This has almost been a turning point in how I am now thinking about my future as an artist and the decisions and actions that I can take that will push my success. I’m aiming to go beyond just making illustrations onto paper and ive got ideas of how I can translate my artwork onto a variety of objects and products that will essentially elevate the value of the artwork.

Another way in which I have solidified these new ideas for myself is by getting help and advice from peers and tutors throughout the briefs that has helped me to generate new ideas as well as expand on my existing concepts. Concept has been a big part pf this module for me as I have had the same ongoing theme of psychedelia running throughout my projects and this is because my aim as an artist is to be known for making work within this trippy subject. I feel that it is what kind of art I am most motivated to pursue and it also gets the best response from my viewers so this concept will be further explored throughout my contextual and physical practices.

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