Monday 24 April 2017

Beach buggy collaboration - designs

To get an idea of the basic composition of the design ive just started to sketch down some possible patterns.

My aim is to just make the patterns out of basic lines dots and shapes.
The client wanted the pattern to be just black and white so I don't have to think about colour for this which is quite a nice relief as i've done a lot with colour recently so it will be nice to strip it all back to just the contrasting colours of black and white.
Ive had an idea of having it very symmetrical looking almost like a mandala emerging out of the centre petrol cap.

Once I had the idea of doing it in a symmetrical design, I immediately rethought and changed my mind because it will make it much harder ti make the patterns with symmetry and if they are slightly out of line it will make it look wonky and I wont be happy with that. So my idea is too just approach it very loosely and be quite free and expressive with the shapes rather than having it all mirrored.

I want to include some possible subtle images that help the shapes work well. I could maybe include some peace/yin yang symbols as this would work well with the black and white theme, I could also include some eye balls. Just some small object to break up the patterns could really enhance the overall aesthetic of the design.

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