Tuesday 18 April 2017

Collaboration - Making print positives

As my role in this collaborative project was not to design the images and is just to be the printer, I had to wait for all the designs to be drawn up before I could create the positives for screen printing. 
We had all decided as a group that we would have a design of james and the peach on top of the empire state building, the witches and the fire scene and the Bfg blowing his dreams into children's minds. We wanted for each scene to be a direct scene from each book to make it more authentic and fitted to the dialogue of the book.

The two images above are two of the three final drawn and inked versions of what was to be printed. After I was given these for printing I made a decision to take the inking further, although this was not part of my role I still voiced to the group that the images would need more black areas to really make the characters in the images stand out more rather than just being blurred by the liney aesthetic, and with more black areas it would make the image more suited to be screen printed. After I said this would make the images stand out more, my group was happy for me to add ore black to the positives in order to enhance them.


These are the images now they have been darkened in certain areas to add more depth and clarity to them. I felt like before there was a little confusion with all the line work so it needed separation with some darker shapes. After doing this I then showed the group the slight changes I have made and they all agreed that this made the images better. So the black layer is now ready for printing, I just need to make the colour layer for each design.
Although I wasn't the one drawing these designs, I made it clear that there needed to be a big area within each image that is significant to the story\character, and within this area would be a marbled colour blend. For the witches the colour would be the fire, James would have a colour blended peach and the Bfg would be blowing a colour blended dream out of his trumpet. Now the positives for both layers are complete, it is now ready for the final stage.

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