Monday 24 April 2017

Beach buggy collaboration - Progression and final outcome

After doing my roughs and looked at some reference for some designs I thought I was ready to start. I thought that I would be following the basic composition of one of my roughs but just before I started to doodle I had a sudden thought that changed it all. I literally scrapped off all of my existing designs and i chose not to look at the reference images i had, I just started to freestyle the entire thing and just let the randomness create the unique aesthetic and to not be too controlling with the lines and shapes.
At the start of drawing on this car I was incredibly nervous about putting lines onto the buggy. This is because my friend chad had spent nearly 8 days working on this car and getting it ready for my artwork so if I messed up or made any mistakes it could mean that he would have to respray the buggy to cover up my mistakes. There was really no margin for error with this because the pen could not be rubbed off once applied so I had to just build up the courage and go for it. After I had stared going with the drawing it seemed to get easier and easier as I was getting more and more confident with my own abilities. I have take some progress pictures so you can see how it all builds up into the finalised design.

This was the back end of the buggy, again I was just 100% freestlying this design and just going with what felt right at the time, I would usually fully plan a final piece like this but something at the time just made me express my shapes and patterns in a completely random and spontaneous way. In doing this I had basically made a new style for me to work in and I had surprised myself with what could be achieved with a little confidence.

The whole buggy design took me 7 hours of complete drawing time to complete. I only had one day to do this so I had to be as efficient as possible.

finished front strip of the buggy

Finished back strip of the buggy

Out of all of the things that I have produced for the responsive module, this is my favourite. Firstly because I have never drawn on anything like a car before so having this as my canvas makes it alot more of an exciting piece of artwork. I also think this could be a big step in my own personal practice and I am adding to the list of possible ways that I can utilize my artwork onto a range of products and items. I think I will be getting more clients like this wanting similar things on cars in the future. The owner of this buggy actually owns 150 cars and he said to me that he would love for me to work on more of them. I have also had the most fun in doing this and the fact that it was a big challenge for me makes the final outcome more of an achievement. After doing this I now have a new style developed which is like a psychedelic tribal pattern and I also have a better sense of confidence as well as more idea of how I can pursue  career as an artist. So overall this has been a very fun and productive experience.

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