Monday 14 March 2016

Visual language - Composition

This task is to design and create two A5 images including an object a figure and a landscape. When composing an image within a frame there are many factors that need to be taken into account that can make an effective and powerful image. Composition is one of the most important parts of any piece of artwork. Line of sight and lead in lines, depth, scale, value, over lapping and cropping all need to be considered when composing an image. For this task I need to make sure I have considered these crucial elements in order to create an effective composition. 

These are a few sketches and notes I have taken during the composition presentation to help me understand how some artists have approached simple but effective ways of composing an image.
 After this mini task was set I then started to rough out some possible composed scenes. When considering depth and line of sight it can immediately make a scene look more dynamic. Drawing is essentially creating an illusion on the page especially when it comes to the depth. I have tried to consider depth more than anything because I want to give the illusion that the scene I have created has layers and is not a flat image. Getting perspectives accurate also helps me to achieve this goal of depth.
 Out of all the roughs that were produced, the aim was to choose two of the best and draw them up larger. I quite liked this image that I composed, it is very different to how I would usually work and when I was roughing out the designs I looked over into the corner and saw a chair on its own and that is how I got the idea to do this. This image has an object is in a landscape and has a figure, which is the shadow produced by the chair which is quite weird and eerie but for some reason I like it. The perspective isnt completely accurate but sometimes that can add to the quality of an image.
This image of composition is almost like a concept piece for a game. I chose to draw this one up as one of my finals because I like the sense of depth that has been created using the figure, mountains and the castle/citadel. It has been a while since I have created a scene purely from my imagination I have recently been using quite a lot of reference imagery to produce my illustrations and it has felt nice to just come up with a scene without reference. This task has help me think about how important it is to consider the different aspects that compose an image and this will defiantly become a useful tool for me as I progress as an image maker.
This was a short studio task where we had to compose and image that contained an elephant a butterfly and a figure. Again, with this image my main focus on the composition is the depth and scale. By drawing the figure in a certain position on the page and considering the depth I have been able to show that the person and the butterfly is much further back than the elephant which is right in the foreground. These tasks are really helping me to understand how important composition really is within any image. I now know that not all good composition are from images that are busy and crowded, sometimes the most simple composition can be the most effective.

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