Tuesday 1 March 2016

I see faces - Zombie gif

Zombie Gif final.

Since I have started the Illustration programme I seem to have taken a huge interest into drawing zombies. I find it really fun as I do love adding detail into drawings. Its almost a way of calming my mind, especially if I am really enjoying the drawing I'm doing. Because I have done quite a lot of zombie artwork I thought creating an animation is a good way to finalise this. Gifs or animations really bring the drawings to life and this is a perfect time for me to explore the idea of decay on a human face. The images below are six out of the twelve drawings used to create the entire gif.

I made the first frame (human face) relatively simple with not much tone or texture so the process of decay will be a lot more obvious throughout the gif. Using a lightbox on each frame I was able to create a slow process of zombification by adding more and more detail onto each frame. Just by reducing certain features such as the hair and adding darker tones and lines to each frame it makes it very clear that the face is becoming one of the undead. And this is what I wanted to show in my gif.

My aim was to show that the person in the first slide had decayed that much by the final slide he is no longer recognisable as being the same person. I think I successfully achieved this. I wanted to have one of my three gifs that has a close attention to detail on each frame. I have really enjoyed creating this piece and I am really pleased of how the gif turned out, but my other two gifs will be more simple and of media uses that I am not familiar with to push me out of my comfort zone.

The final gif has been slightly edited on photoshop, the brightness, contrast and levels were all slightly adjusted so the face and each drawing is now darker. I did this so the final outcome is more bold and the detail becomes more clear on screen for a more professional outcome.

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