Wednesday 2 March 2016

I see faces - Dance gif

After being inspired by Ryan Woodwards beautiful gif. The first thing for me to do was to get some roughs and sketches down for the shapes of the male and female figure. This will help me when drawing up my gif because I have decided to not add too much detail to the characters and jut keep them reduced down to the shapes. This will help capture the movement over the entire gif instead of focusing on detail in each scene.

These are some sketchbook pages of the style in which I would like to produce the gif. Simple but proportionally accurate figures. I also like the idea of having sketchy lines around the figures. This may help to visualise the movement and add gesture to the figures and gif.

These are 6 out of 60 frames used in the gif. 
I decided to keep a similar colour pallet to the Ryan woodward dance gif. I feel like these colours create a nice balance on the page. The black, white and brown tone all work in sync. Ryan's dance gif is very smooth and is a slick animation whereas the dance gif I have produced is more glitchy and the lines are more random and chaotic. But I am glad that it turned out this way because the brown paper I decided to use is a very rough looking texture so the movement and the textures work well to create this mini dance scene.

 With this dance gif I wanted to test myself to see if I could make a short animation because I have always wanted to create some form of animation. I am very pleased with the outcome and I know I will be creating more gifs in future projects. It really brings the drawings to life. Editing and making adjustments to the frames has also helped me learn a few new tricks on photoshop which will come in good use. I am slowly becoming more realised with different tools and possibilities of photoshop that is just giving my work a slightly more polished look.

Final dance gif

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