Monday 14 March 2016

3D Superhero task

 For this task we were to turn and mutate ourselves into a superhero using 3D shapes.
The aim was to echo our personalities into the superhero we have created for ourselves. This means that we should take the obvious aspects of our personality and exaggerate them into some for of a superhero.
Seeing as I do consider myself to be quite a spiritual person, I thought it would be good to echo this aspect of my personality and turn it into a superhero. This is shown through the third eye that has beed drawn onto the simple face. Once a persons third eye is open or is 'spiritually active', a persons life can be filled with much clarity and positive energy. I also didn't want to make it too serious so I designed the face that looks like a lazy sort of character, I meditate. save lives. and shit. It think this character I have made is a good representation of myself. Im spiritual, but not always too serious about it and I can sometimes get lazy so the words on his chest are all for a reason.
Just a few more photos of me wearing my uniform. I wanted one with the bedsheets cape. The camera quality isn't great which reduces the quality of the image but I don't think it matters too much because in the close up image, the text is readable. I have enjoyed this task, I have been quite serious with some tasks and haven't been playful enough. It has been nice to make something that is funny and makes people laugh. I will try and add some humour into my work throughout next projects when I feel like the seriousness is getting bit to much.

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