Wednesday 2 March 2016

I see faces - 3D gif

The gif is 3D because it has been made from cut out paper and the character has been raised off the background to get a 3D effect with the drop shadow. I decided to make this gif very simple with a low number of frames. One reason for this is because some things work better when they are simplified and reduced down and also after the dance and zombie gif I wanted to do something a little more light hearted and playful. 
The gif is made up of only three frames. I kept the background black for the first frame because his third eye is closed, but as the third eye opens, the colours of the universe are brought into the gif asif he is being awakened.
The third eye is opening and the colours are beginning to appear.
I wanted to show the use of the third eye and how it can open up possibilities to a whole new universe. I have just shown this in a playful way with the character and the background. This is the final scene and the third eye is fully open and the white dots have merged into the background. This gif will be reversed and on repeat so his eye will be forever opening and closing.
This is the three drawings used in the gif and this shows the movement of the characters arms and the eye opening. Using the light box has become one of my favourite tools during this gif project as it helps to get each drawing accurate and it speeds up the process of creating each frame.
The background in each frame is actually all the same piece of card. To speed things up I didn't make three separate backgrounds, I took each three photographs as the gif progressed. So I took a picture of the first character, worked into the background and then took the second, then repeated this process. It makes the dotted background more accurate and for a gif it is much easier to do it this way rather than making each background an individual frame.
Final 3D gif.

I am pleased with the outcome of this gif, I think the cut out paper works well. It elevates the character and brings him of the background and gives it life.

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