Monday 14 March 2016

Screen print/Fan art

For this task I have to design and create a piece of fan art. Fan art is basically drawing or somehow recreating an existing piece and making it in your own specific style. The piece of fan art must be screen printed using only two colours and the colour of the paper. Before this talk I had only screen printed once and I personally didn't like the process of screen printing, but this task may have the potential to change those views as the last time I screen printed it was a group task but now it is my own individual piece so I may enjoy it more. We also need to take the composition of the piece into account and create a poster with an effective composition.

Attack on Titan.
For my piece of fan art I have decided to choose one of my favourite anime shows of all time. Attack on titan is a Japanese style cartoon with a great story and has very unique characters. The first season of this anime has been released but the second is still on its way so my aim is to create a concept poster for the second season of Attack on titan. A very anticipated show that many people are eager to continue watching.

As this is only small task I have just sketched out some quick roughs of some possible compositions for the poster. I have chosen my two favourite characters from the show that I can include in the poster. Captain Levi and a Titan.
These are some drawings of the characters I am going to use in my fan art poster. Drawing them out in pencil first on separate sheets of paper will make it much easier for me to play around with some different compositions. I will also lightbox these drawings so they are much neater and will have crisper cleaner lines for a more professional looking poster. The line work and shadow areas will also be completely black shapes as there is no tone on screen prints unless there are halftones created on photoshop.
 This is the first design for my Attack on titan screen print fan art poster. As you can see I have filled all of the necessary black areas so it will create a nice block stencil when exposed. I quite like this design but I also think that it is very busy and when finished it could look very over crowded as a screen print. So halfway through drawing this I had a slight revelation to completely change the design and reduce it right down.
This is a positive for the character Levi for the screen print.
I have decided to completely take the the titan away from the poster and only use the character Captain Levi. I have done this because the steam around the titan became too much and the print would have looked too messy. However with this reduced design I think the poster will be a lot more effective and will also have much more breathing space on the page. I have changed Levi's position on the page so that he is directly in the centre. I have done this because there will be some red japanese type above him saying attack on titan .
These are some possible types styles that I could use above levi in the screen print. The sketchy type on the left may work nicely but for the sake of a screen print. But for the way I want the final outcome to look I think it will be best for the type to be how it is on the right page. This is how it is on attack on titan and it also looks more professional and will work better for the screen print.
This is the screen printed version of my fan art poster for Attack on titan. I am actually very pleased with the outcome and I think this piece looks quite professional. This task for me has been very useful, my views on screen printing have completely changed. I am now in love with the process and how it can make my work look. I love the textures that can be created and it is also nice that every print comes out differently and has its own unique quality. I will definitely be coming back to screen printing in future projects and I also have some plans to create my own personal work and get some screen prints done that could possibly be sold.
The task was to create a an A4 poster. I did this but with my favourite prints on the best paper I decided to reduce it down even more so there is less blank space around the page. I think trimming the page down has complimented the composition and has made it into a more effective poster. The red black and off white tone also creates a nice balance of colour and also makes it look more authentic and Japanese which was a persona aim of mine to achieve.

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