Wednesday 2 March 2016


For this studio task I had to create a composition using cut outs from newspapers and magazines. I decided to create a hiphop themed poster. I created this piece using cut out paper and then drawing back over the images using inc and paint pens. I really like this way of adding style to an image, by drawing back over the eyes with pen and outline the shapes.

All these cutouts of people are from random pages of magazines. The process of collage, cutting out and sticking can be quite a fun activity. I really enjoyed searching for the right shapes and then adding my own effects to the images using inc and pint pens. The inc is good for getting subtle textures and the paint pens are good for strong outlines and filling in certain features. I really like the process of cutting out shapes and arranging them in various compositions across the page. I will definitely consider working like this in future tasks.
This was a poster design that I created out of the uses of collage. I took the same concept from the previous piece and made an A4 poster design that includes some of my favourite hiphop artists. I used brusho inc for the splatter and drip effect in the background but I think this may have over complicated the image and there maybe too much going off. Other than that I do like the idea of drawing back over people and adding textures, it can make some very interesting marks and visuals for a poster, especially the white eyes on a dark figure.

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