Wednesday 9 May 2018

Statement of intent

During this statement of intent I am going to be briefly highlighting the different briefs and projects that I wish to undertake throughout the course of this module. As the year progresses, this statement will change and develop slightly as I tackle the each poject. This a basic guideline to help me understand what I intend on pursuing and crafting throughout this year.


For this module I will be pursuing a range of different briefs that will play to my strengths and will also will also help me develop a new set of skills and understanding in different areas of image and product making. I wish to get involved in a couple live briefs and competitions but my main objective for this module is to focus on my own self directed projects. This can range from screen printing onto clothes and starting a brand to refining my painting skills by consistently painting using a wide range of medias and experimenting new aesthetics. I would also like to work on a few collaboration briefs or paintings with other artists to help achieve alternative and more abstract artwork.
Building up a range of well crafted and professional work for my portfolio is a big objective for this module and I would like to have by the end of this a display of clothing and paintings that will enable me to have more knowledge of the direction I would like to continue this into my personal practice. I would also like to have a range of commissioned pieces as part of this extended practice.

Themes and subjects: 

As I grow and develop as an image maker I want my artwork to have a form of consistency that makes it recognisable and distinguishable as being my work. So in order to do this I am aiming to keep a psychedelic theme running through my work. Concepts of psychedelia, consciousness and spiritualism should be the core parts of the contextual themes within this module and as part of my own personal development. I am aiming to have these themes in my art as it is what I believe in and what I am passionate about and I would like my work to communicate theses ideas.

Products and methods of distribution:

Clothing - Hoodies and T - shirts
Collaborated paintings
Painted objects - Skateboards, guitars, wood, masks ect.

Practical skills/media/format:

I intend on exploring a range of different media formats to produce a varied and diverse range of outcomes. These include painting, drawing, spray painting and screen printing.


Painted house brief:
To paint on the walls and stairs of the interior of a house in a range of styles and using a range of paint based medias to create psychedelic murals and designs.

Clothing brief 'Weirdo':
I will be starting to work on a brand and focus on how I can transfer this onto a range of products such as T-shirts and Hoodies.

Paintings and commissions:
I am aiming to take my own direction with this self initiated brief and develop my drawing and painting skills by consistently painting new and different images while considering a range of tools and media to form new and professional outcomes.

Painting people and surfaces:
This is another self motivated brief where I will be transferring my painting onto different objects such as guitars, skateboards, drum skins, masks, wood and even people. I want to explore body art and how I can bring vibrancy and colour to otherwise colourless objects.

Live briefs:
I wish to participate in a few competition briefs such as the 'secret 7'. This will give me a nice break from just doing my own self organised briefs and projects. 

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