Thursday 17 May 2018


Over this year I have done a few collaborated paintings. These have always been random and just for the sake of painting but I think it has created some interesting outcomes.

This is a combination of mine and Wilf's paintings done on a legal graffiti spot in Leeds. For this, the only media used was spray paints which is a first for me because I always use the combination of pens and spray paint. This did prove to be quite difficult as it is a much different hand style that I am still learning. These Collaborated spray paintings are a very good way for mw to scale up my work and apply colour and line work more immediately and fluidly. I will be developing this as much as possible in my personal practice.

This is another collaboration between me and Wilf, only this one is much smaller and is much more complex. We didn't really have any objective and is more of a joint doodle of our different styles combined into one. Paint pens, felt tips and crayons were all used in making this. The mixed media approach is what makes this an interesting image. After doing this we now have many new ideas about how we can scale this up into making a mural sized painting between us in the same style of randomness and coloufull with faces, characters, mushrooms, geometry, space effects and simple patterns. This is something we will be further developing.

This is the final collaboration piece I worked on this year. Between me, wilf and two other students we created this highly vibrant abstract painting. Spray paint, paint pens and acrylic paint were all used in the making of this piece. I really enjoyed making this as it was a group effort of experimentation. Just applying colour in different places between us and building up layers to create different effects was interesting. I never work in that way and am usually much more considerate where I apply colour and how to do it so this was a good way for me to let go of my usual way of working and dont focus on detail but just to think more about colour application and texture. I actually really like the outcome, it had no original objective and just became what it is naturally from our combined painting. If i've learned anything from collaborations in this way it is that loosening up and just being more playful and abstract can really get new and interesting outcomes. I will trying to explore this way of painting as much as I can in the future.

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