Thursday 10 May 2018

Painted house brief

I was given this brief by an old friend who was moving into a new house and wanted some of my original artwork in various places. Once the house had been fully built we then began to plan and figure out what I would be painting onto his walls and the staircase. I was told that I need to do both my colourful space style and the doodle pattern designs within the house. After seeing the staircase I immediately knew that the simple black and white doodle design would be perfect for it. 
After more discussions of what I could paint on the main wall, we both agreed that I would be doing a psychedelic french bulldog head mural, this is because the owner of the house had just bought a puppy french bulldog named Po. I would also be doing a painting on his bedroom wall but we figured that out at a later date as I wanted to just start painting and doodling on the walls and stairs.

This simple doodle is like an alternative style that I have developed over the past year. A lot of my work is very bright and colourful and maybe too much for certian peoples eyes so this alternate pattern style is more applicable and also shows that I can adapt and change my style being a more versatile illustrator. This style was first developed on a beach buggy I doodled on and has since then been part of my visual arsenal.

I was also given two skateboard commissioned briefs to be put up in this house. I was instructed to paint a Mewtwo character from Pokemon and Thanos from Marvel. These were both made before the house was to be painted but the intention was to hang them up as part of the entire house brief.

I was also commissioned to paint the character Goku from Dragonball to be part of the house which was now starting to look like my own mini exhibition. 

The frenchie mural was complete. This was easily my favourite part of this brief. It is the biggest painting ive done so far and was really fun to be pushed out of my comfort zone to create something new. I usually struggle with scaling my work up and it was definately much more of a challenge than the simple doodle design but after completing this I now have more confidence in my ability to scale work into a mural sized piece. I was instructed to make this as vibrant and colourful as possible which is perfect for my psychedelic style. 

After the Frenchie was complete we further discussed what would be painted on the bedroom wall and we came to an agreement that i would be doing a painting of buddha as the owner of the house is buddhist and had also seen a previous painting I did of Buddha from my Instagram. I was instructed to do a 'Hippie Buddha' that is similar to the french bull dog mural. Again this was a great way for me to scale my work up and test myself within this vibrant psychedelic style. 

My good friend who is just starting to get into media editing made this short promotional video of the house. It is very interesting to have my work displayed as a video with music. It makes it slightly more interactive and is what I need to be doing more of in the future to help promote and advertise my work. Maybe within music videos or live performances, This is a route that I would like my practice to take.

Project review
Overall, this is probably the best brief that I have been given so far and has been quite a big part of developing my skills and making the transition into a more professional context. I am very pleased with each part of the house paintings and so was the owner of the house. Working large scale and painting onto walls and stairs has pushed my abilities also it has helped me to refine different styles I have been developing which is allowing me to understand where my artwork will fit in the creative world.  I now have two more house commissions that are waiting for me as soon as I graduate so it is very exciting to see how by doing these sorts of projects, it will enable me to get recognised at a faster rate which will provide me with more work and briefs in the near future.

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